Strategic decision-making styles in quality improvement plans in university graduate programs.
postgraduate quality improvement
calidad de la educación, educación superior, toma de decisiones (Tesauros)Abstract
The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between the general decision-making styles of the personnel involved with the postgraduate programs with a focus on research at the University of Sonora (UNISON) that were recognized by the PNPC-SNP, not only when establishing strategies for compliance, monitoring and improvement of quality indicators in postgraduate courses, but also when carrying them out in the process of fulfilling the indicator. This through the comparison between two analyzes previously carried out, the review of the evaluation opinions issued by the PNPC (until 2020) where the main indicators in the process of being fulfilled were identified and the application of a survey that identifies the general styles of decision-making (rational, intuitive, evasive, spontaneous and dependent) of the administrative and academic staff of said programs. Finally, the relationship between the two will be established considering the indicator "Does the improvement plan integrate the strategic decisions on the changes that must be incorporated into each of the categories of the PNPC model? (Code: PC1)” through a probit linear regression model.
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