Educate in self-regulation of learning for a healthy social life
learning, education, social environment, motivation (Thesaurus)Abstract
The process of self-regulation, understood as the ability to control thoughts, actions, emotions and motivation to achieve proposed goals, is not only essential for learning, but entails a series of processes that influence the quality of human interactions and of a healthy social life. In this sense, this essay aims to deepen the importance of self-regulation of learning in the context of social relationships based on education, as well as to propose classroom strategies that facilitate its development. To do this, methodologically a theoretical discussion is carried out that allows the proposed thesis to be defended or refuted. In the reflection it is found that the self-regulation of learning includes cognitive, motivational, emotional and affective processes that regulate both thought and behavior, influencing the quality of interpersonal relationships. It is concluded that the success of an adult today is not only due to their skills, knowledge and experiences, but also their self-regulatory capacity based on the purposes, tasks or goals they establish for the fulfillment of their personal projects and work activities. This is how the need arises to expand the functions of self-regulation of learning and provide pedagogical tools that facilitate its development from home and school.
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