Social trajectories in Venezuelan migrant children. A systematic review (2015-2022)




education (Thesauruses); Migrant childhoods, prism 2020 methodology, social and public problem, social trajectory (Keywords suggested by the authors)


The field of migration and its links with education constitute a significant setting for academic research. The reflections contained in this article focus on documents that analyze the migration of boys and girls, delving into the field of perceptions regarding the problems associated with their displacement and arrival to host communities based on the concept of trajectories. and how the immigration phenomenon constitutes social problems and public problems that affect school settings in receiving countries. This article is the result of a systematic literature review, the purpose of which was the characterization of documents that present research results about the study of migrant childhoods, educational problems in general and schooling in particular. The document review was carried out under the PRISMA 2020 methodology. For this process, an extensive search of publications was carried out where articles, NGO reports and theses were analyzed under inclusion and exclusion criteria that allowed information about children and girls in migratory status in the context of the last Venezuelan exodus since 2015. The studies relate conceptual research on migrant childhood, the understanding of boys and girls in their migratory journey with the problems derived from the forced displacement to which they have been subjected and the relationships that arise with the social trajectories of this population and education. The documents summarize how Venezuelan migration affects the school settings and the social paths of the boys and girls that migrate, they also explain how a direct relationship between migrant children and vulnerability is presented.  In addition, they report about social construction of school integration in migrant children as a public problem for host societies.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Social trajectories in Venezuelan migrant children. A systematic review (2015-2022). (2024). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 8(14), 84-107.

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