Teacher evaluation: myths and perceptions of educators in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá
teacher evaluation, pedagogical practice, feedback (Thesaurus), performance, instruments and perceptions (Keywords suggested by the authors)Abstract
This article is an exercise derived from a national research that sought to investigate the myths and perceptions that teachers in the public sector have in relation to the Formative Diagnostic Evaluation -ECDF- after five years of its implementation. Thus, this article is specifically addressed from the view that teachers who work in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá have regarding teacher evaluation. To this end, a qualitative study was carried out, a descriptive evaluative one. Then, a non-probabilistic sample was taken from 171 teachers from the public sector assigned to Decree 1278/02 who belongs to the territorial entities and secretaries of education in Cundinamarca and Boyacá. This research produced an approach with educators from urban and rural contexts with the purpose of promoting spaces for pedagogical reflection. Based on the findings obtained from the fieldwork, it is considered if the -ECDF- improves the pedagogical practices in the classroom, and, consequently, affects the improvement of the quality of education. Finally, the results of this research enabled a space to analyze and assess the relevance of this test and the concept that educators have about it.
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