Environmental education for the management of hazardous waste generated in chemical laboratories
Environmental education (Thesaurus); storage; classification of hazardous waste; waste; risk segregation (Keywords of the author).Abstract
Chemistry laboratories are spaces where academic practices are developed by using substances that can be harmful because hazardous waste is generated. The lack of information on this topic results in an inadequate handling of the substances and incorrect disposal of waste by people responsible of this process. This generates environmental problems and affecting human health. This situation is seen in the laboratories of the University of Nariño since they do not have strategies and procedures to solve this problem. Thus, the research sought to incorporate a process of permanent environmental education in the management of hazardous waste to guide, orientate and raise awareness in the university community about this difficulty. The methodology was a descriptive quantitative type, and it comprised the following stages: diagnosis of the current situation, environmental education in waste management, characterization of the generated waste and elaboration of a guide protocol. As a result, it was found that chemistry laboratories have a deficiency in the management of hazardous waste. Likewise, environmental education strategies were proposed through the Protocol for handling, segregation and storage of chemical waste, having as a fundamental principle, the minimization of generation. Surveys were applied to the students to validate the incidence of the environmental education process. It was found that 85% of students clearly identify the procedures for the management of hazardous waste; being able to conclude that the process of environmental education has a positive impact on the health and the environment protection.
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