The The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a challenge to contribute to university environmental awareness.
Desarrollo sostenible, educación ambiental, tutoría (Tesauros)Abstract
At the University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI), Learning Units (UAs) related to environmental sustainability are offered as optional components of degree programs. Consequently, a challenge created and executed within the Pharmaceutical Chemist Biologist program to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among students enrolled in the UA Tutoring Seminar. The approach employed various tools, including an awareness video and a challenge invitation. Were along with data extracted from the United Nations' SDG 2022 report and the compilation of 170 actions for the planet. To ease participation, registration forms created alongside a separate form for sending photographic evidence. Additionally, conducted a survey to gauge the students' sense of accomplishment upon completing the challenge. During the 2023A semester, a total of 517 shares (30%) out of 1,747 (100%) active students took part. Among the SDGs, SDG 3, "Good Health and Well-being," garnered the highest participation, closely followed by SDG 12, "Responsible Production and Consumption." The resulting data, subjected to statistical analysis, can potentially support institutional propositions for expanding the dissemination of the SDGs, offering a basis for future initiatives aimed at fostering awareness and engagement with these global goals.
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