The The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a challenge to contribute to university environmental awareness.




Desarrollo sostenible, educación ambiental, tutoría (Tesauros)


At the University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI), Learning Units (UAs) related to environmental sustainability are offered as optional components of degree programs. Consequently, a challenge created and executed within the Pharmaceutical Chemist Biologist program to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among students enrolled in the UA Tutoring Seminar. The approach employed various tools, including an awareness video and a challenge invitation. Were along with data extracted from the United Nations' SDG 2022 report and the compilation of 170 actions for the planet. To ease participation, registration forms created alongside a separate form for sending photographic evidence. Additionally, conducted a survey to gauge the students' sense of accomplishment upon completing the challenge. During the 2023A semester, a total of 517 shares (30%) out of 1,747 (100%) active students took part. Among the SDGs, SDG 3, "Good Health and Well-being," garnered the highest participation, closely followed by SDG 12, "Responsible Production and Consumption." The resulting data, subjected to statistical analysis, can potentially support institutional propositions for expanding the dissemination of the SDGs, offering a basis for future initiatives aimed at fostering awareness and engagement with these global goals.


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Author Biographies

  • Eire Reynaga-Delgado, Universidad de Guadalajara, México

    Dr. Eire Reynaga Delgado, Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacobiology at the University Center for Exact Sciences and Engineering, serves as a Council Member of the State Climate Change Council of Jalisco, Mexico. She holds the position of Technical Secretary for the Water and Energy Committee at the University of Guadalajara and also serves as the Technical Secretary for the University Committee on Climate Action within the Executive Vice-Rectorate at the University of Guadalajara. Additionally, she is responsible for the Technical Group for Environmental Diagnostics in the Coordination of Heritage at the University of Guadalajara.

    Furthermore, Dr. Reynaga Delgado leads the POP-TUTOR (Protect Our Planet) initiative, empowering youth for climate change, a distinction conferred by Dr. RK Pachauri (Nobel Peace Prize, 2007) since 2019.

    She is the Coordinator of the ECOQI Environmental Care Week, appointed by the Special Commission on Safety, Hygiene, and Coexistence of the Honorable Center Council, a position she has held since 2017.

    In October 2020, she served as the Teaching Advisor for the Model United Nations Conference commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations.

    Dr. Reynaga Delgado received the Environmental Merit Award in Education in 2019 from the Government of Tlaquepaque and the Colibrí Award in 2022 in the category of Community Activism and Dissemination of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

    She has been recognized for her dedication, effort, and positive impact on student education by the Student Society of the University Center for Exact Sciences and Engineering in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

    In July 2023, she was honored with the ALEIQ AWARD 2023 for her "Long Trajectory in ALEIQ Providing Conferences" by the Latin American Association of Chemical Engineering and Related Fields Students, ALEIQ, in Quito, Ecuador.

  • Beatriz Venegas-Ruiz, Universidad de Guadalajara, México

    Dr. Beatriz Venegas Ruiz

    Associate Teaching Professor “A” Full Time.

    Attached to the Dept. of Pharmacobiology of the CUCEI.

    Lic. Psychology.

    Master in Teaching Methodology

    Doctorate in Educational Sciences

    Tutor Teacher, Educational Counselor and First Contact CUCEI

    Carrying out and publishing various works related to Educational Research, Tutoring in Higher Education, among others, in the form of poster, presentation, participation in Scientific Forums and publication in conference proceedings and articles in scientific journals.

  • Laura Ofelia Orozco-Hernández, Universidad de Guadalajara, México

    Graduate in Pharmacobiological Chemist from the University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering of the University of Guadalajara (CUCEI, UdeG), Master in Teaching Methodology with Honorable Mention from the Mexican Institute of Pedagogical Studies.

    She is a Professor and Researcher attached to the Department of Pharmacobiology of CUCEI, UdeG.

    It has Recognition of the Desirable Profile (PRODEP) granted by the SEP.

    In the academic field, she has 25 years of experience teaching courses in Parasitology, Parasitology Laboratory and Tutorial Seminars in the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemist, Biologist and Microbiology in the Bachelor's Degree in Food Engineering. She is currently Head of the Immunology Laboratory at CUCEI, UdeG. . He is an active member of the Organizing Committee of the International Food Safety Congress and National Meeting of Microbiology, Toxicology and Food Hygiene and Member of the Mexican Association for Food Protection AMEPAL. It has attendance at professional and disciplinary updating courses and conferences, thesis direction and advice, research projects and scientific publications in the area of ​​food safety, health, education and environmental care.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

The The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a challenge to contribute to university environmental awareness. (2024). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 8(15), 69-83.

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