Formación de especialistas en Derecho Ambiental: una mirada a sus trayectorias como orientador para la ambientalización curricular
Derecho, educación ambiental, educación superior (Tesauros), derecho ambiental, trayectorias formativas (palabras del autor)Abstract
The teaching of law in Higher Education Institutions tends to be conservative, based on memorization, normativism and little receptive to current challenges. This relegates emerging areas such as environmental law, which is reflected in the scarcity of specialist professionals in this area. Through qualitative research with a biographical approach, the formative trajectories of specialists in environmental law were analyzed, with the aim of identifying the spaces and processes they used to develop their professional skills in this field. The results qualitatively show the need for curricular greening of law programs from a transversal approach, which allows students to become aware of the repercussions of their professional practice in the socio-environmental environment. This implies that environmental law is not just an isolated subject, but rather that the environmental dimension runs through the curriculum. The environmental dimension must be present throughout the study plan to have an impact on different areas of law, in addition to promoting interdisciplinarity to acquire skills and collaborate with other disciplines in the protection of the environment. The artisan teaching-learning model that could strengthen institutionalized education by integrating the teaching-learning of Environmental Law in real and everyday situations is recovered.
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