Attention to diversity and educational inclusion. A look from the Canary Islands

shared teaching in education




inclusive education (Thesaurus); educational support, co-teaching, teaching staff (Keywords suggested by the authors)


The diversity within human beings is a natural, complex, and multifaceted fact, and therefore, it is an unavoidable reality in schools. It is inherent to education, present in our classrooms, and must be addressed by all teachers under the principles of inclusion and equity. Throughout this manuscript, the concepts of diversity, integration, and inclusion are framed, briefly referencing the most relevant historical dates related to these terms in the educational model applied in the Canary Islands during compulsory education, as the early stages of life represent a critical period where multiple physical, social, and psychological transformations occur that can significantly affect the comprehensive development of students. Likewise, the organizational management of the inclusive classroom and the foundations of teaching are analyzed, seeking to redefine the role of the Therapeutic Pedagogy teacher. Based on this role, some questions arise: when to provide support, how to provide it, or what kind of students to support? In conclusion, it is inferred that, regarding these issues, there is still a disparity of opinions about the necessity or not to intervene within or outside the regular classroom. There are still many research gaps regarding the intervention of the Therapeutic Pedagogy teacher within the classroom; therefore, future intervention studies should shed more light on these issues, as it is crucial to expand the discussion beyond these factors, as it limits and reduces the problem.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Attention to diversity and educational inclusion. A look from the Canary Islands: shared teaching in education . (2024). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 8(14), 51-69.

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