Engineering students' conceptions about assessment for learning




learning, student, assessment, interest (Thesauri), feedback (Keywords suggested by authors)


Assessment for learning is a shared action between teachers and students. However, in the processes of quality assurance of education regarding assessment, the focus is on what teachers know and propose. However, in the last two decades what students know and propose about assessment has become relevant to qualify learning processes. Therefore, this article proposes to identify the conceptions that engineering students have about assessment for learning. The methodological design used had a qualitative approach, where students could answer honestly and without any pressure what they think about the assessment processes in which they have participated. Thus, a structured asynchronous online interview was implemented. The type of sampling used was intentionally non-probabilistic under a sample of type cases in which 71 active students of the institution participated. The results of this research show that students conceive that the purposes of assessment are at least three: 1) to enrich the training process by making students aware of the expansion of knowledge; 2) allow feedback on what is learned and what remains to be learned; 3) a challenge that helps personal and professional improvement. In addition, students differentiate adequate assessments from those which are not, making proposals on the types of assessment that should be carried out to strengthen the learning process.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Engineering students’ conceptions about assessment for learning. (2023). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 6(11), 225-242.

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