The PISA items, a tool for identification of scientific skills in the classroom




Scientific competences; content knowledge; epistemic knowledge; procedural knowledge; diagnostic evaluation; PISA items


Adequate development of scientific competence in high school students is an urgent requirement for the future advancement of any society. Therefore, as the teacher is an active participant in his/her training process, he/she must be at the forefront of national and international requirements regarding the scientific skills that should be promoted in his/her students. To this end, we present an extensive list of items released from the PISA international tests to present and exemplify each of the three scientific competences that evaluate these tests. This work is part of a doctoral research that seeks the implementation of these items as an instrument of diagnostic evaluation in the classroom to guide teaching practices based on the feedback that can generate the results of its application. As an initial product of the research process, a bibliographic review, comparison with the original items in English and in some cases complete translation of them, is obtained, resulting in a list of 164 items released  from  PISA,  categorized  according  to  each  competition, which  allowed  to approach them by means of a great number of examples and to recognize the main abilities that characterize each competition.


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Abarca, A. (2013). Técnicas cualitativas de investigación. Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica





Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

The PISA items, a tool for identification of scientific skills in the classroom. (2017). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 1(1), 106-122.

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