School Trajectories of Psychology Students, class of 2017 in the Curricular Modification at a Public University in Mexico
academic performance (Thesaurus), curricular modification, school trajectories (Keywords suggested by the authors)Abstract
The study of school trajectories allows one to observe the academic behavior of students throughout their training, starting from the admission to the completion of undergraduate studies in the context of a higher institution with a specific curriculum. The objective of this research was to typify the school trajectories of a sample of students from the 2017 class of the bachelor's degree in Psychology at a public university in Mexico. By means of an open call to the students of this generation, a sample of 17 schoolchildren was formed. A descriptive quantitative study was carried out through the analysis of a database that was built from the inquiry done in the platform of the General Direction of School Administration (DGAE) and the Integral System of School Administration (SIAE) (http// of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This study was organized in 198 variables and 691 cases, with which the statistical analysis was carried out in the SPSS-20 program. The variables analyzed were: sex, high school average, school of origin, grades in each of the 52 subjects, cycle and type of exam. The results showed that the students completed the academic cycles according to the criteria of the curriculum and that the level of progress was as expected, presenting a grade point average of 8 and above, achieving 100% of credits of the curriculum. However, it cannot be concluded if there was any effect due to the curricular modification.
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