Aerobic resistance in soccer players during the competitive period
Maximum oxygen consumption; estimated maximum heart rate; competition micro cycle; structured micro cycle; competitive period; aerobic resistanceAbstract
The article reports the analysis of aerobic resistance as a fundamental component in the preparation of soccer players in the competitive period. An allusion is made to the state of art, the conceptualization of aerobic endurance in the soccer player, the pedagogical and systematic structure of aerobic endurance in sports training, its manifestations and physiological variables during the dynamics of efforts in the player, the methodological characterization of the training, the training load in the structured micro cycle (EE): volume and intensity, and the favorable aerobic work in the competition micro cycle. The methodology was based on the quantitative approach; content analysis was used as information collection technique. From this, it is concluded that the components that configure the physical capacities are essential for the achievement of the performance and the sport form, and its importance is unquestionable not only for the technical, tactical, systematic, strategic and psychological complement of the sport during the competitive period, but as something essential for prophylactic and hygienic prevention of the athlete in relation to their function
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