Educational inclusion: an analysis from the sectoral matrix approach
Inclusive education, public policy, pedagogical practice (Thesaurus).Abstract
The analysis of public policies becomes an important theoretical approach that helps to understand the social processes that they regulate. This article addressed the analysis of the public policy of inclusive education from the sectoral matrix approach of Yves Surel (2008) based on Decree 1421 of 2017, whose promulgation and entry into force was understood as the culmination of the transition from special education to inclusive education in the Colombian educational system. The objective was to analyze the conception of inclusive education underlying the curricular normative documents that guide the process of inclusive education in our country, within the framework of a reflection process on the author's educational practice using the phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology of Max Van Manen. The problems that the application of the educational inclusion policy brought to the pedagogical practice from a broad perspective of the Didactics of the Social Sciences were explored and it was concluded that the public policy of educational inclusion does not have the theoretical conditions that Surel poses as necessary for its successful application, which are similar to those of emergence and consolidation of a scientific paradigm, as conceived in the work of Thomas Kuhn (1978). All this within the framework of the necessary reflection on the application of inclusive education policy that is required in our country from the classroom as a space in which the inclusive process takes place.
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