The game as a pedagogical strategy for the self-regulation of learning in mathematics
pedagogical strategy; educational play; motivation (Thesaurus); self-regulation of learning (Author's keywords)Abstract
This article starts from the problems evidenced in the learning process regarding mathematical skills, as well as metacognitive processes with lack of self-regulation and self-management, establishing the need to understand what processes can contribute to self-regulation in students, favoring their learning in mathematics. Thus, it was proposed to analyze if the game, as a pedagogical strategy, favors motivation
because games can be beneficial for the self-regulation of learning in students of first grade in the area of mathematics. According to the above, it was determined the extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors evidenced in the students’ teaching-learning process; besides, the pedagogical strategies were also described and compared. It should be noted that the approach was qualitative, comparative descriptive research. At the end of the process, it was concluded that students must learn to direct and control their thoughts, feelings and actions to obtain self-regulated learning through motivational strategies.
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