Questionnaire for the evaluation of learning strategies of university students (CEVEAPEU) a validation with Guatemalan students
factor analysis, learning, cognition, planning, psychometrics (Thesaurus)Abstract
The objective of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire for the evaluation of learning strategies of university students (CEVEAPEU) when applied to a sample of Guatemalan students. The design is non-experimental, cross-sectional with a quantitative approach and descriptive scope. It was applied during the first stage as piloting to a sample of 72 first-year students to verify the apparent validity. Subsequently, to a sample of 341 second- and third-year students, both were non-probabilistic samples. The level of reliability was established by means of Cronbach's alpha, a α = 0.914 was obtained for the total instrument. With the Factor Analysis program, it was performed an exploratory factor analysis of each of the six subscales to determine construct validity. A polychoric correlation dispersion matrix was applied,
with Varimax rotation. Items with factorial loads less than 0.300 absolutes, or those which were not grouped into a factor that had at least three items, were omitted. The program also provided the ordinal alpha for each of the factors by subscales and it was obtained an approach to confirmatory factor analysis with adequate indicators. As a result, two out of the six subscales showed factors according to the original theoretical model, and four of them differed, reducing the number of factors and/or items for the
sample of Guatemalan students. The final instrument, in this application, according to factorial loads, was made up of six subscales, 19 strategies and 83 items.
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