Pedagogy for peace: the post-agreement context on the colombo venezolana border
Peace; violence; conflict; Latin AmericaAbstract
The article is inspired by the observation of local dynamics in the professional work of the authors and experiences such as the School of Peace and Citizen Coexistence as a pedagogical project that is part of the Conflict, State and Development Team of the Research Center and Popular Education (CINEP) / Peace Program. The present article is intended to elucidate the necessary scenarios to consider in the understanding of Pedagogy for Peace as a context of possibility and a hope for the strengthening of the social fabric through the consolidation of scenarios of mediation and conversation in the border context. The methodology is based on a bibliographic review around the general description of the humanitarian conditions of Venezuela and Colombia and the complexities that they weave in the border context, elucidating, as a goal, a reflection on how violence results in a mechanism of power and geopolitical control from global interests in particular contexts, to which the view of Pedagogy for Peace, as a micropolitical position and situated knowledge, allows weaving bonds of trust and reflection for humanization of relationships and forsters empathy through those bonds.
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