The evaluation of higher education institutions
Accreditation; quality of education; evaluation of education;control universitiesAbstract
The present work focuses on the study of circumstances that determine the drop in the attendance of children, with ages between 4 and 9 years old, to activities offered by the Banco de la República Art and Numismatics Museums in Bogota,Colombia. From qualitative methodology, and under points of view that aim the social participation dynamics such as sociocultural animation, taking account the postulates of constructivist paradigm related with education in museums, and theories about identity construction from museum space, this investigation raises to collect the expectations from both museums professional and teachers, children and families linked to neighboring Community Houses cultural spaces. The results from this research allow us to highlight the action strategies that must be taken within the community, and reflect on the pedagogical, social and heritage components inside the cultural activity scenario, proposing a global comprehension model of the phenomenon.Downloads
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