Expectations, evaluation and deficiencies of the teaching function in secondary education
Teachers; secondary education; motivation; educational evaluationAbstract
The article describes how the deficiencies, expectations and assessments of secondary school and baccalaureate teachers in the performance of the teaching function, can influence professional motivation. To this end, 100 teachers were presented with a questionnaire of open questions. The responses covered those shortcomings that the teachers thought to be related to their professional environment, those related to the knowledge and skills they should possess and the environment in which they perform their teaching function. The results showed that the most significant deficiencies referred to the lack of motivation of the students, as well as the uncooperative attitude of the parents; the perception of a lack of authority and a lack of trust in teachers. Other shortcomings highlighted included, a lack of teacher training and psycho-educational training together with little legal and administrative protection.
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