Strategies for student retention in higher education and their influence on drop-out rates
School dropout; higher education; evaluation; student retentionAbstract
This article presents the results of the evaluation of the student retention program implemented in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of La Gran Colombia University, taking as reference the evaluation models of Edward A. Suchman, Carol Weiss and Michael Patton. The quantitative research was developed in two phases. In the first one, a documentary review on the subject was carried out and the findings used to compose a survey which was applied to students enrolled in the academic periods 2011-1 to 2014-2. In the second phase, statistical analysis of the information collected was carried out from academic, economic and individual influences and their contribution to the retention rate in the study program. From the academic perspective, students who were part of the program implemented improved their academic performance. It was determined that the economic aspect did not exert a significant influence because the students made the payment of the tuition with their own resources or family support. On the other hand, in relation to social factors, students cited the absence of motivation on the part of teachers, administrators and executives in the participation of social and academic activities. It is concluded that this study delivered understanding of the main strategies that have an impact on the continuity of the students in the academic program and the ways to improve the retention rate of the program.
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