El poder de las palabras del educador en los procesos de paz
Education; word; peace; peace process; teacherAbstract
In these critical times, but at the same time hopeful for Colombia, it is essential to ask ourselves about educators' contribution in peace processes. A teacher is not exclusively dedicated to transmit knowledge, but his work transcends: the educator is a person who impacts and guides other people's lives. To do it, the best ally is the word. In this sense, the objective was to systematically analyze a particular experience in a classroom belonging to the humanities curriculum of the University of La Sabana. A qualitative approach through the case study was the base of this study. In the presented situation that arises in the middle of a tension between two students, the discourse could be resignified as a result of techer's role and and the good use or words and its different aspects, despite the academic and ideological gaps. In conclusion, in the classroom, words refer not only to a code but also it implies listening, that is, that act of engaging in communication; recognizing, that difference between act-subject to judge objectively, and silence, that state of consciousness to think before saying a word.
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