Plasticity and intelligence mediated by Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial and Linguistic-Verbal abilities in nine-year-old children




learning, intelligence, intervention (Thesaurus); plasticity, proprioception (Keywords of the authors).


This quantitative-qualitative research was based on the integration of neurosciences in teacher training with the aim of applying concepts that explain cognition, distinguishing differences and promoting the maturation of Logical-Mathematical (L-M), Visual-Spatial ( V-E) and Linguistic-Verbal (L-V) based on their assessment from the perspective of multiple intelligences as analysis categories; The study was carried out from the SPSS analysis of central tendency values obtained from the instrument applied for the interpretation of the human body. The sample is a class population of 20 nine-year-old students. This work includes two different moments for instrument application. Quantitative differences were found in the proportions on abilities observed and were attributable to the neuropsychological maturation as a result of brain plasticity; Dynamic changes were identified in perception channels from L-V to V-E abilities, while L-M ability remained stable.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Plasticity and intelligence mediated by Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial and Linguistic-Verbal abilities in nine-year-old children. (2024). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 8(14), 30-50.

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