Proposal for environmental education based on a socio-environmental diagnosis for San Baltazar Tetela, Puebla, Mexico
aprendizaje activo, contaminación del agua, educación ambiental (Tesauros)Abstract
San Baltazar Tetela is a community located in the city of Puebla, surrounded by the Valsequillo dam. Various studies have documented the poor quality of water that exists in the region; however, few projects involve an approach to the communities. The objective of this study is to generate a proposal for environmental education that responds to the needs and interests of the population, this through a mixed exploratory methodology, through semi-structured interviews and surveys of a representative sample (non-probabilistic), to know the perception of community residents about existing socio-environmental problems. Among the results of the surveys, it was found that 12% had participated in environmental workshops and 94% considered that the community could benefit from an environmental education program; Based on this, the design of four workshops is proposed: Water in the environment; Pollution and health; Integral management of residues; Medicinal plants. In conclusion, this proposal seeks to raise awareness in the community from its own context through environmental education, active learning methodologies and social marketing, which promotes actions to improve the quality of life.
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