Connections between food education and sustainability: analysis of the results of a healthy eating educational program
docente, educación ambiental, educación nutricional, salud, universidad (Tesauro)Abstract
Universities can contribute, through educational processes, to transform eating habits and reduce the increase in diseases and the deterioration of the environment. The objective of this research was to systematize information on the individual, social and institutional effects from the perspective of the participants of the workshop “Food as a healthy lifestyle” with emphasis on the connections between food education and sustainability. A qualitative single case study was carried out. The participants were selected through theoretical discriminate sampling. The information was collected through episodic interviews and direct observation. The course had positive changes in the dimensions analyzed and aroused interest in the relationship between food and the environment; however, the availability of food and social influence promote the consumption of foods that are not recommended for health and the environment. In conclusion, a healthy eating educational program can awaken interest in adopting a sustainable diet, however, the knowledge acquired seems to be insufficient to maintain changes in the face of social dynamics and food availability. Future research should analyze whether adopting a healthy diet stimulates interest in sustainability, or concern for sustainability encourages improved diet.
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