Conceptions of "nature" in university students: Implications for environmental education
environmental education (Thesaurus); conceptions of nature, environmental crisis (Keywords suggested by the authors).Abstract
The environmental crisis is currently one of the greatest problems facing humanity. The complexity of the crisis derives from its systemic character, that is, from the high interconnectivity of its multiple problems and from the fact that it is inserted in a larger one, an epochal crisis that affects western culture as a whole. The present study investigates the conceptions of "nature" in university students in the first semester of Environmental Biology at the University of Ibagué. In the spirit of a systemic interpretative research (Fuenmayor and López-Garay, 1991; Fuenmayor, 1991), complemented with hermeneutics as a historical and educational research methodology (González-López, 2022), it is revealed that the students' conceptions of "nature" do not emerge from a holistic understanding of the environmental crisis as a crisis of civilizational meaning. Therefore, political action is required from the educational sphere so that, in spite of the significant processes that environmental education in Colombia has been involved in, teaching is articulated based on a holistic understanding of the environmental epochal crisis and the need to generate a harmonious conception of the relationship between human beings and nature that promotes a new way of dwelling in the world.
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