Digital technologies applied to education: an account of experience
Students; teachers; methodologies; TDICsAbstract
This text shows an experience report, in which a reflection of the involvement of the students of the Professional Master’s Degree in Health Teaching (ENSA) of the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Federal University (UFVJM) is presented. It was discussed how Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) can be used in schools, especially in the classroom.As a methodological strategy for the development of the experience, a references search about the subjectwas first used. As well as the bases of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and journal savailable in the Portal of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) were consulted. Afterward a class was planned using the resources from TDICs, based on the Problematization Methodology. As main result, was found that the different technologies, especially the TDICs, resized the time and space of the knowledge construction, i.e. the research that took months before to be realized, it can be done nowadays not only with extreme promptness, but also with variety of sources.Nevertheless, these technologies do not replace the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for teaching practice. Although the technological media brought important contributions to the educational process, it is necessary that the teacher incorporates them, not only as accessories used in class, but as instruments capable of contributing to the student development.
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