Challenges of Latin American Secondary Education during the pandemic
Secondary Education, Latin America, online education, educational technology, pandemicAbstract
The SARS-CoV-2 will mark a before and after in the history of humanity, by producing changes closely linked to the technological sphere. The development of a new lifestyle has given rise to incompatibilities with everyday life, particularly in the education system. This work focuses on pointing out the challenges that Secondary Education in Latin America must face, within the framework of the pandemic and the invasion of technological tools as an accessory form of teaching-learning. The study was approached and oriented under a qualitative approach at an exploratory level and documentary research design, supported by experiences of reality such as: home and family, students, teachers, educational process and institutions. Taking advantage of this circumstance would make it possible to generate a synergy between technology and education in Latin American society, promoting optimal conditions for inclusion, immersion and technological literacy that produce substantial and pertinent changes in the educational system.
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