The use of comics as a methodological strategy to strengthen communicative competencies in English learning
comic, second language instruction, English, ability, learningAbstract
In the learning of English as a second language in basic and secondary education in Colombia, the Basic Standards of Competencies in Foreign Languages and the Curricular Guidelines in the English area suggest to reinforce the acquisition of communicative competencies. The objective of this research is to strengthen the acquisition of communicative competencies in English as a second language, through the implementation of a model of pedagogical intervention with the comic strip as a didactic resource, in a group of tenth grade students of the Raquel Jaramillo Educational Institution in Bello (Antioquia), in November 2019. A qualitative methodological strategy was designed, with directed selection of a sample of 16 students between the ages of 14 and 17 years. By using techniques and instruments such as the questionnaire and direct and participant observation, the difficulties in developing these competencies were identified. Additionally, teachers and students articulated themselves to apply the comic as a didactic resource, then they compared the initial diagnosis with the final results and socialized them to propose improvements to the process. The results conclude that the application of the comic strip as a methodological strategy facilitates the identification, acquisition and strengthening of communicative competencies in English learning, because it motivates students to engage actively, participatively and playfully in educational processes by creating new resources appropriate for learning. Considering its contribution to the strengthening of communicative competencies, this methodological proposal could be extended to the grades in which the English subject is taught and could even mainstream it with other areas.
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