Strategies for self-regulation of learning in music students at República Dominicana school in Bogotá
autonomy; strategies; teaching-learning processes (Thesaurus); self-regulation; metacognition; academic process (author's keywords)Abstract
This article is the result of a research project that sought to analyze the relationship between the application of strategies for self-regulation and the notorious and satisfactory learning of music, in sixth-grade students at Republica Dominicana School, in the district of Suba in Bogotá. A qualitative methodology was used and an
exploratory and descriptive scope; two data collection instruments were used: a student survey and a semi-structured interview with teachers. The results showed that the implementation of pedagogical strategies improved students’ capacity for self-regulation regarding music learning, activating metacognitive and motivational processes that had an impact on an active empowerment that allowed students to
assume a prominent role in the construction of knowledge. Thus, it strengthens their autonomy and self-efficacy, and awakening more their desire to learn.
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