Evaluation of standardized tests as predictors of academic performance at a Mexican public university


  • Mónica Hernández-Madrigal Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México
  • Anayeli Juanita Rivera-García Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México
  • Élfego Ramírez-Flores
  • Patricia Hernández-García Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México
  • Silvia Gamboa-Cerda Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México




Quality; academic performance; higher education; standardized examination; evaluation


The quality of an educational institution's academic programs, measured through the application of standardized exams, is a form of objective assessment of the academic performance of higher education students. In this sense, the objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between the entrance and egress exams developed by the National Assessment Center for Higher Education (CENEVAL) and the academic performance of a population of 2050 students of a business faculty in a public institution through quantitative, descriptive and correlational analysis. The results highlight a high association in the methodology of design of CENEVAL's entrance and egress exams, as opposed to the low predictive power of entrance exams with the overall average of the career. The contributions of this work provide the basis for decision-making regarding the use of standardized tests as a form of student evaluation.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Evaluation of standardized tests as predictors of academic performance at a Mexican public university. (2021). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 5(8), 30-43. https://doi.org/10.15658/rev.electron.educ.pedagog21.04050803

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