Understanding philosophical propaedeutic texts supported by Joan Miró's reading of paintings


  • Keisy Dallana Bautista Urueña Universidad del Qundío
  • Miguel Ángel Caro Universidad del Qundío




reading comprehension; didactics of the mother tongue; reading images; Joan Miró; philosophical propaedeutic texts.


The objective of this article is to recognize the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal elements that allow the understanding of Philosophical Propaedeutic Texts (TPF) supported by Joan Miró’s reading of paintings; this with the goal of setting up a didactic proposal, aimed at students of the Bachelor of Literature and Spanish Language of the University of Quindío. For this, the theoretical assumptions of J. Petöfi and his theory of the TesWeST were taken as a basis, while in the methodological aspect, a mixed design was assumed from the historical-hermeneutical and action research approaches. At first, the background of the research is presented; then, the theoretical budgets that support the work are exposed, with special emphasis on those of didactics, reading comprehension, TPF, reading images and paintings by Joan Miró. Later, the methodology and the intervention proposal designed are described. The results obtained in the execution of the proposal are shown below; and, finally, the conclusions are made known, which point towards the implementation of metacognitive strategies that convey relationships from the works of Joan Miró, with a view to qualifying the reading comprehension of philosophical texts.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Understanding philosophical propaedeutic texts supported by Joan Miró’s reading of paintings. (2021). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 5(8), 15-29. https://doi.org/10.15658/rev.electron.educ.pedagog21.04050802

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