Methodological reflections on school effectiveness in high school education in Mexico: a mixed study
School Effectiveness; Research Design; High School Education; Mixed studyAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze and discuss the development of a study under a mixed approach; it is also considered the research stages; and the implications of the resources and techniques used. The study was carried out based on the school effectiveness approach in high school education; in Aguascalientes; Mexico. Based on a value-added method; an explanatory sequential design was chosen. The population of the study consisted of 119 schools; belonging to the different education subsystems in the State. The study emphasizes the importance of using comprehensive methods to collect more complete information about reality by considering the particularities of the methods used. Quantitative tools are used for the selection of effective and ineffective schools; and qualitative techniques are employed to know the reality of the different cases that made up the study. The use of different methods allowed the triangulation of the information obtained. With regard to the type of information to be obtained and analyzed; the study concludes that the methods employed are useful; and additionally; they are necessarily complementary; to achieve the specific and general objectives raised at the different stages of the investigation.
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