Information and Communication Technologies in education with a focus in Latin America
Education; information technologies (Thesaurus); Latin America; communication technologiesAbstract
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are being gradually implemented in educational processes. The use of the internet, social networks and cell phones in the academic community have been widely diversified. Due to the above, the DIATIC project of the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores sought to determine the level of use and adoption of ICT in education by the first semester students. To this end, a non-systematic documentary review was carried out using search algorithms and Boolean operators, in order to inform the development of the diagnostic instrument. The review analyzed 50 publications on the use of ICTs in different education processes and their themes were organized according to: perception, gender, access, vulnerable groups, applications - social networks, conferences, and augmented reality -, benefits, barriers, key elements and evaluation mechanisms. The review suggested that there are some benefits of ICT in education, but that there are key elements to be considered to ensure its positive impact. On the other hand, there are also cultural, social and political barriers that must be managed to leverage and reduce the risks inherent in ICT.
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