Metacognitive pedagogical practice for the development of reading comprehension in a foreign language
learning, teaching, foreign language, pedagogical practice (Thesaurus); reading comprehension (Keywords suggested by the author).Abstract
The development of communicative skills in at least one foreign language (FL) is a requirement and a necessity in this complex, globalized and multilingual world. This research describes the process that was developed to cooperatively reveal the principles that favor the development of reading comprehension in a foreign language in secondary school students from public schools. The methodology used corresponds to the qualitative one, based on the socio-critical paradigm with an Educational Action Research (EAR) design. The participants in this study were: four teaching directors, five FL teachers, and a representative group of high school students. The main findings reveal the group of ten distinctive features that define effective teaching and learning of reading in a foreign language. In conclusion, it is proposed that, given the characteristics of the current world, it is imperative for the educational environment to develop investigative processes that emerge from the teacher's practice and are carried out collectively. Likewise, the theoretical construct achieved with this research makes it a reference for other investigations focused on the teaching and learning of reading in a foreign language. Finally, this decalogue can serve as a reference for designing a model or instrument for evaluating educational quality specifically aimed at achieving improvements in the development of communicative competencies in a foreign language.
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