Challenges in the High School Curriculum in Oaxaca
Educational needs, high school level, curriculum, urban area (Thesaurus).Abstract
The curricula used in high school institutions in the city of Oaxaca are outdated and do not align with the current needs, resulting in a lag that extends beyond the educational realm, ultimately affecting the community. Initially, this article discusses the origins of the curricula used for high school education in Mexico, which have remained largely unchanged for over six decades without significant updates. It also analyzes the characteristics of the educational model in place for high school education, including various subsystems such as general and technological high schools. This examination involves analyzing the subjects offered, classifying them into time blocks, based on the guidelines provided by the Deputy Secretary of High School Education, reviewing recent modifications, and assessing their alignment with students' interests. Many students perceive high school education more as a stepping stone rather than as an achievement that propels them into a professional career. Finally, the article addresses the current societal needs that go beyond the mere dissemination of factual information and instead focus on improving the quality of life for young people, and consequently, for society as a whole. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of high school curricula to prioritize the fulfillment of these needs, rather than simply introducing relatively new elements into the classroom.
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