Gamifying with digital and non-digital games to improve inferential reading comprehension in fifth grade students




reading, comprehension, motivation, educational game, primary education


Reading comprehension is one of the main concerns in the school system, given its impact on the learning process in other subjects. The objective of this research was to describe the influence of a didactic strategy mediated by digital and non-digital games to foster reading comprehension at inferential level in fifth grade students. Thus, a qualitative approach was used, along with an action research design. The implementation was carried out with 18 students, aged between 9 and 12 years, they come from low and medium socioeconomic stratum and study in a Colombian public institution located in an urban area. The categories observed were reading comprehension, motivation, parent bonding, digital and non-digital game strategies. The following instruments were used: a reading comprehension pre-test and posttest, RIMMS for motivation, an observation guide, an interview with parents and a focus group. The didactic strategy consisted of two educational capsules, a non-digital game based on a board similar to the game of snakes and ladders, two more educational capsules and a digital game in Scratch. Besides, WhatsApp application was used for communication with students and parents. Significant improvements in reading comprehension were obtained, motivation showed higher levels in non-digital play. In conclusion, the didactic strategy implemented significantly improved reading comprehension, highlighting a greater motivation towards non-digital play, due to the implementation of avatars and a greater participation coming from the families.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Gamifying with digital and non-digital games to improve inferential reading comprehension in fifth grade students. (2022). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 6(10), 109-123.

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