University policies in the 21st century: the debate of state policies in México
Science; financing of education; postgraduate; technology; qua-lity-evaluation; university policiesAbstract
This article presents the results of an initially broader study, linked to the study of educational public policies at the upper level in the transition of the State for period 1989-2012, adding, as continuity of that study, references of an half-term assessment (2012-2016) of university policies from the governments of the last five presidents of the republic, 1989-2018, in Mexico. Under a political analysis approach of the educational actions discourse of university public policies, the results of the present work included interviews with key figures and review of reports of principals of some universities in the South Central part of the country. The objective is to know the proposals of governmental policies and proposals of subjects and university actors in front of the actions of government, in order to arrive at university policies of State.
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