School coexistence and educational quality in primary education




Early childhood education, quality of education, school life, primary education


The study is introduced in school coexistence because it starts from the values ​​developed in recent times, finding the absence of educational strategies as a critical point, motivated by the low investment of resources in education, which are punctual to achieve full human development. This means that there are macro limitations, which act silently, because they destroy the essence of the human being in his dignity, subject him to discrimination, xenophobia and other evils that are emerging now in this 21st century, as a consequence of the continuous migrations existing in the different countries of the Region due to a serious economic, social, political, environmental, technological situation, among others. The objective is to develop a reflective analysis on the importance of school coexistence and its incidence in the processes of educational quality in students of primary education in Colombia. The methodology is qualitative based on a documentary / bibliographic review of several scientific articles, as well as the analysis of data from public educational institutions in Bogotá, Colombia according to documentary sources. The results are that the scourge of hunger and violence have been accentuated, specifically in the education sector, to such an extent that the aid that has been incorporated by non-governmental non-profit organizations, have not satisfied the growing demand of these regions, who are in neglect and in complete marginalization. The conclusions are that there are pedagogical limitations for the timely improvement of educational quality and school coexistence.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

School coexistence and educational quality in primary education. (2022). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 6(10), 141-151.

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