Resistance to Change on behalf of the Teachers of a Private Pedagogical Higher Education Institute of Lima Regarding the Institutional Licensing Process
licensing, teachers, working conditions, resistance to change, educational policyAbstract
Institutional licensing is a process which seeks to ensure that educational institutions comply with the basic quality conditions; guaranteeing that the provision of educational service is relevant to the training demands of society. For this matter, educational institutions must implement various changes in their organization, both at the curricular level and in the way of working. In that sense, this research work strives to analyze how the resistance to change on behalf of the teachers of a Private Pedagogical Higher Education Institute of Lima manifests itself in regards of the Institutional Licensing Process. From a qualitative approach and using the semi-structured interview technique, it has been possible to collect information that allows to affirm, as a conclusion, that the acts of resistance occur in an isolated and subtle way; since the proposed changes are products of a normative imposition of the Ministry of Education. Likewise, it is noted that resistance is more related to an attitudinal aspect of disinterest or lack of motivation to participate in the proposed changes; the informants adducing an increase in workload and a significant change in teaching practice. Finally, it has been possible to determine that to avoid or attenuate any act of resistance from behalf of the teaching staff, it is necessary for the educational institution to adopt a communication strategy that will allow teachers to become aware of the licensing process, promoting their participation and involvement in the decision making.
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