Education for peace and human rights: a view from Cuba
Education for peace; human rights; pedagogy; violence; preventionAbstract
Education for peace and human rights must consciously promote the criticism and elimination of traditional school authoritarianism, the development of a pedagogical process that favors participation, dialogue, the link between theory and practice, the rescue of popular wisdom, and the assumption of human diversity in order to form a citizenship that manifests an attitude of true social participation, using for this purpose, concrete actions that contribute to the well-being of its compatriots. This requires the permanent attention of the social sciences and in particular the educational sciences, in order to impact and influence the context, the social conscience and the subjects, from their participation in the transformation processes over which reflect, because education for peace and human rights (EPDH) is a way to prevent violence, the development of education, science and culture on the basis of human solidarity. The present work aims to reflect on the necessary aspects for the understanding of the EPDH from the educational perspective and in the current conditions of Cuba. For the proposed objective, it was necessary to use scientific research methods (documentary analysis, analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive) that allowed to support the reflections provided whose results are stated from the theoretical-methodological point of view; every time that they offer interesting aspects that make it possible to humanize and democratize the pedagogical process, as well as to improve the educational practice.
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