Educational research and research pedagogy: criticism of the reproduction of scientific knowledge
Science; education; research; pedagogy; critical thinking.Abstract
Introduction: The objective of the article is to analyze the relationship between pedagogy and research as a contextualized process in scientific development and its academic, economic and political characteristics that define its current representation. Methodology: The text presents a descriptive qualitative method using the document review technique. The discussed categories are: (1) education and investigative information, (2) territory and research, (3) differences between educational research and research pedagogy, developed in two respects, (3a) curricular processes, and (3b) research didactics, (4) finally, research communities. Reflective analysis results: Educating in research leads to problems that go beyond communicating results. The questions on which the research is carried out are defined by the territorial relationship of power and knowledge. Flexibility in the use of information by both curricula and research pedagogical materials can lead to the individualization of training processes. The forms of sociability and organization of the teaching of research must have a defined space of political and academic projection that corresponds to the capacities of territorially autonomous knowledge production. Conclusion: The relationship between pedagogy, didactics and research must coherently integrate the aspects of organization and construction of scientific sociabilities that have political participation as a horizon.
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