The education - culture relationship for the strengthening of national identity through a pedagogical model
Culture; education; national identity; pedagogical modelAbstract
The formation of national identity value through education and culture as social life phenomena, leads to the fact that, in its organic integration, social conditioning can also be explained in its progress, development and crystallization process in any other society. Thus, the goal of the research was to reflect on the axiological dimension of the education - culture relationship for the strengthening of national identity through a pedagogical model. The pedagogical model is an alternative to materialize conditions and ways of the education – culture relationship to strengthen the value of national identity. The investigation had as theoretical support the dialectical materialist approach, through the use of theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods. A 50 – student sample was taken. The conclusion of research let establish is that the education - culture relationship for the strengthening of national identity becomes a real power and is related to the practical-social-transforming activity exerted by human who finds the foundation of his being in social production, not only a production of material and spiritual goods but also the creation of society, and the construction of human being in his concrete historical forms. Therefore, the essence of cultural value lies in the creative capacity of man in his search of imaginative solutions, intelligence and work that allow facing nature, transforming it and helping regulate social relations on the basis of creative freedom and from critical – reflexive positions.
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