Universities’ training and professionalization in Mexico from the voice of teachers





High School Education; Higher Education; Teaching training; Training Needs; Teaching Professionalization.


This research is qualitative and exploratory, identifies and understands teaching experiences and beliefs about training, how they chose to be teachers at UNAM both high school education and higher education; and explores the interests of university teaching training. Objectives: to provide fundamental information about the teaching training that benefits high school teachers and bachelor's degrees; and the experiences and needs of training and professionalization. Method: eight focus groups were created including high school teachers and bachelor's degree professors, from different disciplines, faculties and university campuses of the University; both genders and diverse seniority. The information was organized by analysis categories. Results: The results show that UNAM mainly offers teacher training through formal, group and face-to-face programs. However, few teachers train or qualify in informal or group academic contexts such as seminars and conferences; professionalization based on experience, learning by doing or by observation is not recognized. Formal and individual distance programs are in practical or technical skills.


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How to Cite

Universities’ training and professionalization in Mexico from the voice of teachers. (2021). Revista Electrónica En Educación Y Pedagogía, 5(8), 62-79. https://doi.org/10.15658/rev.electron.educ.pedagog21.04050805

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