Human nature and education: Reflections on human formation in an uncertain world
education, training, human being (Thesaurus), human qualities (keywords of the author)Abstract
This article aims to draw attention to human nature, to contribute to its explicit incorporation in the field of education. In the premise that making the qualities of human beings emerge, it is possible to reorient not only the teaching practice but also the pedagogical model in which it is based on. Human nature that we objectify through its ontological elements which it is called qualities of our species. Attending to these qualities would make it possible to identify the potential for human development, which in turn would guide the teaching process in the training of humans instead of consumers. In this work only two aspects will be considered: 1) The human being as an unfinished being and 2) The human being as an inhabitant of interpreted worlds. In this way we intend to invite teachers and educational decision makers to think about
these two aspects, which would be an invitation to defamiliarize the teaching-learning process, change the educational discourse towards the complexity involved in "converting human beings" and, finally, teach skills to our students to efficiently face the world (changing and uncertain) where they have to live. The development of this topic takes into account the relationship between education and the nature of the human being to highlight the intrinsic skills that the educator should consider when teaching in class.
It is concluded that the consideration of human nature in teaching practice contributes to human formation.
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